Royal Court Positions

I have spent time creating more details for the setup of court positions.  It doesn’t perfectly go along with the rules in warwickshire but I thought I would share them with you.  I feel that rules are a general guideline but if bending a few will help with the setup and creation of the hood then it’s doable.

I started first by making 4 apartments in one big lot.  Each apartment had a nice bedroom and then a dorm room with four beds along with a kitchen and a bathroom for the dorm and one for the master suite.  The bottom floor was the living space and on the second floor was an office and a area used for the training of apprentices.  Then I picked four categories.  Law / Fine Arts / Health Science / Childcare.  Then I broke it down so that each major category had four positions. This being the reason for four beds for apprentices of the four positions. Then I broke down the tasks for each position in each stage of the sim’s life.  From apprentice, journeyman, master and then grand master which I called Master of the major category like Master of Fine Arts.

Below are the details I created.  When the apprentices are assigned to a Master that means that when I am playing the Master that I may teleport in the apprentice, use boolprop to select him and make him do cleanup or tasks that are befitting a apprentice.  For classes it is the same system, teleport in, boolprop to select to have them study or do whatever is needed for training.

the status in brackets beside the position title in the Apprentice area is in regards to who can take that position.  When it goes down farther to Journeyman / Master it is referring to what status they work with.

Executioner, Warden, Shire-Reeve, Judge   (LAW)

Education : Max Body / +5 Charisma / +6 Logic

Dues : Executioner / Warden  = $5,000 entrance fee      Shire-Reeve / Judge = $10,000 entrance fee

Apprentice –  (practicum commences after the completion of studies and lasts till they turn 21 yrs old unless they intend to become Master of law)

Executioner  – (bourg) 

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a Master executioner and assist him in his duties

Warden – (bourg/gentry)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a Master warden and assist him in his duties.

Shire-Reeve – (gentry/noble)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a Master shire-reeve and assist him in his duties.

Judge – (noble)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum  be assigned to a Master Judge and assist him in his duties

Journeyman  – given an apartment and stipend by the crown.

all professions continue studies by going to class once per year with the Master of Law

Executioner  (serf / peasant / bourg) – be tp’d in to take care of the dead / or a sim  judged to be executed

Warden (serf / peasant / bourg) – run the low level prison and let them loose when their sentence is over.

Shire-Reeve (serf / peasant / bourg) – be the one on the scene when disputes happen or fights.

 Judge (serf/peasant/l bourg) – attend court and judge on the cases.

Masterthe master title is given when the sim becomes an elder

Executioner (gentry / nobles) – be tp’d in to take care of their dead / or a sim judged to be executed

Warden (gentry / nobles) – run the high level prison and let them loose when their sentence is over.

Shire-Reeve (gentry / nobles) – be the one on the scene when disputes happen or fights.

 Judge (gentry / nobles) – attend court and judge on the cases.

Master of Law

Must be a master of the shire-reeve & judge professions by going through the apprenticeship route for each one.  The practicum for each career in this case is 1 year.  They must be a journeyman for 2 years before being considered a Master of that field.  They dedicate their life to their career and do not marry.  It is an honor to hold this coveted position in royal court.

* Counsel the king on disturbances, court cases, and treachery in the land.  As well as the prison count.

* Be judge when it involves anyone from the royal family

Executioner Warden Shire-Reeve Judge
Apprentice 5% of service fees 5% of bribes or stipend 5% of stipend 5% of stipend
Journeyman Care of Dead : $50


Stipend : $125

Stipend : $100


Bribes : $50

Stipend :$200 Stipend:$300
Master Care of Dead : $100


Stipend : $250

Stipend : $200


Bribes : $100

Stipend :$400 Stipend:$600
Master of Health Science Has no heir money goes to trade school / lives nicely off of entrance fees

Apothecarist, Alchemist, Astrologer, Physician  (HEALTH SCIENCE)

Education : Max Cleaning / Max Logic / Physiology Study

Dues : Apothecarist & Alchemist = $10,000 entrance fee   Physician & Astrologer = $15,000 entrance fee

Apprentice –  (practicum commences after the completion of studies. Practicum lasts till they turn 21 yrs old unless they intend to become Master of Health Science)

Apothecarist  – (upper bourg / gentry)  apothecarist are witches / warlocks

study – learn how to gather herbs by going on a nature walk every day for 1 hour, must go with Master of Health Science once per season for instruction on the different types, learn to make all potions for neutral or good faction as well as supplying ingredients and learn the skills.

practicum – be assigned to a journeyman apothecarist and assist him in his duties

Physician – (nobles)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a Master physician and assist him in his duties.

Alchemist – (middle / upper bourgs)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a Master alchemist and assist him at his store.

Astrologer – (nobles)

study – learn the skills needed and stargaze every night and once per season with the master of health science.

practicum  be assigned to a Master astrologer and assist him in his duties

Journeyman – live outside of court and can marry.  They are not paid by the court but earn money through services rendered to citizens.

all professions continue studies by going to class once per year with the Master of Health Services

Apothecarist  (serf / peasant / l bourg) – attend the sick, checkups on just aged children to determine if healthy or weak, Sell potions to health care professionals. tp in, gift, receive check payment.

Physician (m/u bourg / gentry) -attend the sick, give yearly physicals to those who want one, attend births with midwife as assistant, checkups on just aged children to determine if healthy or weak, attend to pregnant women to declare they are pregnant / during morning sickness / after the second bump to decide if she needs bed rest. (Roll die)

Alchemist -have a shop and sell fake potions (elixir of life) and dig for treasure to sell off for commoners to buy thinking the treasure are tools to make gold with.

Astrologer (serf/peasant/l bourg) – attend baptism & decide the baby’s fate (death roll), attend teenage b-day party choose their aspiration & career path, counsel a family on a good pick for an arranged marriage.

Masterthe master title is given when the sim becomes an elder

Physician (nobles) -attend the sick, give yearly physicals to those who want one, attend births, checkups on just aged children to determine if healthy or weak, attend to pregnant women to declare they are pregnant / during morning sickness / after the second bump to decide if she needs bed rest. (Roll die) Have apprentice as assistant.

Astrologer (m/u bourg / gentry / nobles) – attend baptism & decide the baby’s fate (death roll), attend teenage b-day party choose their aspiration & career path, counsel a family on a good pick for an arranged marriage. Have apprentice as assistant.

Master of Health Science

Must be a master of the physician & astrology professions by going through the apprenticeship route for each one.  The practicum for each career in this case is 1 year.  They must be a journeyman for 2 years before being considered a Master of that field.  They dedicate their life to their career and do not marry.  It is an honor to hold this coveted position in royal court.

* Take apprentice astrologers star gazing once per season * Keep a good supply of potions and herbs with the help of apprentices

* Hold a class for Journeymen 1 profession per season.    * Collect herbs / roots on nature walk once per season with apprentices.


* Attend to the royal family when they are sick              * Give physical per year to each sim of the royal family. Two times a year if elderly.

* Attend royal births and have the mistress of child care assist.  * Have checkup when royal become children to see if they are healthy or weak.

* Attend to pregnant royal every day she has morning sickness and before the bump appears to examine and declare she is pregnant.  Also after second bump to decide if she must be bed ridden (roll die).     * Counsel the king on the health of the kingdom every season to give count of adult /elderly deaths.


* Counsel the King on the future to benefit the kingdom                *Attend baptism of royal baby & decide its fate. (Death roll)

* Attend royal teen b-day party choose their aspiration & career      *Counsel the king for arranged marriages in the royal family

Apothecarist Alchemist Physician Astrologer
Apprentice 5% of all fees 5% of sales made 5% of all fees 5% of all fees
Journeyman Attend sick : $75

Child checkup : $50

Sell cheap Attend sick :$100

Physical :$150

Child checkup :$75

Pregnancy :$250

Baptism :$100

Teen :$75

Marriage :$125

Master n/a Sell Average Attend sick :$135

Physical :$200

Child checkup :$100

Pregnancy :$325

Baptism :$135

Teen :$100

Marriage :$175

Master of Health Science Has no heir money goes to trade school / lives nicely off of entrance fees

Artist, Poet, Musician, Dancer  (FINE ARTS)

Education : Max Creative / Max Charisma / Max Body (Dancer)

Lower bourg – can have a low level career in music and busk at serf / peasant / l bourg parties.

Middle bourg – can own a community hall where the fine arts perform for serf / peasant / l /m bourg  (cheap) basic

Upper bourg – can own a community hall where the fine arts perform for u bourg / gentry (expensive) luxurious

Dues : $7,500 entrance fee

Apprentice –  (practicum commences after the completion of studies. Practicum is completed when they turn 21 years of age.)

Artist  – (gentry/nobles)

study – learn skills needed

practicum – paint until they have sold 5 Masterpieces and paint around the community to amass a collection.

Poet – (gentry/nobles)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – write 5 Best Selling books and earn a small commission to entertain at a low level community hall.

Musician – (gentry/nobles)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – busk till you earn $1k in tips and earn a small commission to play at a low level community hall.

Dancer – (gentry/nobles)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum  – win three dance competitions earn a small commission to dance at a low level community hall.

Journeyman – live outside of court and can marry.  They are not paid by the court but earn money through services rendered to citizens.

all professions continue studies by going to class once per year with the Master of Fine Arts

Artist – sell paintings to a Merchant at 50% off.

Poet – be commissioned to entertain at a high level community hall and write a book per season.

 Musician – be commissioned to entertain at a high level community hall

Dancer – be commissioned to dance at a high level community hall (like a social host – smustle – get people dancing)

Masterthe master title is given when the sim becomes an elder

Artists – be commissioned to paint a portrait.

Poet – be commissioned to entertain in private home or at royal court.

Musician – be commissioned to entertain in private home or at royal court.

Dancer – (gentry / nobles) – teach dance classes to teenage girls who are looking for marriage.

Master of Fine Arts

Must be a master of all four professions by going through the apprenticeship route for each one.  The practicum lasts 6 months and they must be a journeyman for 1 year before being considered a Master of that field.  They dedicate their life to their career and do not marry.  It is an honor to hold this coveted position in royal court.

*Teach the apprentices and hold a class for journeymen one profession per season.  *add to the royal library – one book per season

*Paint portraits for the royal family (one per season)     *Paint a still life at royal court major events (one every 2 seasons)

*Teach one class per profession (poet = singing) per season for royal ladies and her lady’s in waiting (teens and up)

*Attend private royal parties to entertain                        *Be the coordinator and the one who arranges for private home and royal court entertainers.

(4 hrs per gig) Artist Poet Musician Dancer
Apprentice 10% of sold paintings 10% of books sold & tips 10% of tips 10% of tips
Journeyman 50% of sold paintings Per night : $250 Per night : $250 Per class : $250
Master 100% of sold paintings Per night : $500 Per night : $500 Per class : $500
Master of Fine Arts Has no heir money goes to trade school / lives nicely off of entrance fees

Lady’s Maid / Nursery Maid / Nanny / Midwife  (CHILD CARE)

Education : Family Aspiration {8} Cleaning {6} Body /Parenting/Fire Safety/Physiology(midwife)/Unmarried (live in)

Dues :   Nursery & Lady’s maid = $2,500 entrance fee    Nanny & Midwife = $5,000 entrance fee

Apprentice – (practicum commences after the completion of educational studies. Practicum lasts till they turn 21 yrs old unless they intend to become Mistress of Child Care)

Nursery Maid  – (m/u bourg)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a mistress nursery maid and assist her in the family home every day

Nanny – (gentry / nobles)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a mistress nanny and assist her in the family home every day

Lady’s Maid – (m/u bourg)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum – be assigned to a mistress lady’s maid and assist her in her duties every day

Midwife – (gentry / nobles)

study – learn the skills needed

practicum   be assigned to a journeyman midwife and assist her in her duties every day


all professions continue studies by going to class once per year with the Master of Child Care

Nursery Maid  (m/u bourg / gentry) – live in the home and take care of all children.

Nanny (nobles) – live in the home and take care of the children.

Lady’s Maid (m/u bourg/gentry/nobles) – live in for the duration of the lady’s pregnancy. (first pregnancy for bourg/gentry every baby=noble)

Midwife (serf / peasant / l bourg) – assist pregnant women during there pregnancy. Have apprentice to assist.

Masterthe master title is given when the sim becomes an elder

Nanny (royal) – live in the home and take care of the children.

Lady’s Maid (royal) – live in for the duration of the lady’s pregnancy.

Midwife (m/u bourg / gentry) – assist the apothecarist with pregnant women during there pregnancy.

Master of Child Care

must be a master of the nanny & midwife professions by going through the apprenticeship route for each one.  The practicum for each career in this case is 1 year.  They must be a journeyman for 2 years before being considered a Master of that field.  They dedicate their life to their career and do not marry.  It is an honor to hold this coveted position in royal court.

*train the apprentices                                                          * teach a class on each profession to journeymen – one per season.

* teach a class to Mistress’ before they serve royalty and study pysiology

* assists families in placing child care workers in their home.         *keep records as a coordinator of all child care workers.

* assist the Master of Health Science during childbirth.

* gives expecting noble / royal classes on child birthing and what to expect where they study parenting

* counsel the Queen on the records of births and deaths of children.  (knows this through coordinating the child care workers)

* be the one to collect the taxes from all childcare workers to pass on to the king with a 15% going to the trade school.

per season Nursery Maid Nanny Lady’s Maid Midwife
Apprentice $45 $60 $27 $10
Journeyman $450 $600 $270 $100
Master n/a $750 $330 $150
Master of Childcare no heir – money goes to trade school / lives a nice life off the 15% tax and entrance fees.

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